
How about the fact that it has no Japanese Audio? Vanille's english voice drives me insane.

I want!!! Damn you Crecente and your wavy angelic hair!!

@SolidOni: I kinda want to play a Final Fantasy game. I'm embarrassed to say it but the last one I played was Final Fantasy 8 on my PlayStation.

@baeshin: Because I'm signed up to Netflix and all the movies I get for my family are on Blu-Ray. :( 360 has no Blu-Ray.

@Đipic: Well that and the only way I'll ever finish this game would be to play it on my 360 since the PS3 is in the living room and of course there is always someone watching TV or watching movies on the PS3 whenever I want to play a game. The 360 is in my room so I will be able to play it whenever I want.

@tshack: My sarcasm meter is broken. May you please clarify? are you being serious?

Getting this for the 360 even though I have a PS3 just so that Square Enix gets 360 sales so that they may bring more FF games to my fellow PS3-less 360 brethren.

@Michael Dukakis: Why must you bring back horrible memories? whyy??? whhhhyyyy??? :(

@THEMISSING: I stopped buying them after 2k8.

@The Cynical Librarian: Sorry. As a former 2K gamer from MLB 2K6 to 2K8 and now MLB the Show 08 & 09 and now MLB the show 2010 I can say that the 2K hate is well deserved. I gave them more than enough chances to make a good baseball game.

I want a Samara figure.

Is that Hugh Laurie in Call of Duty: A Cunning Plan?

If it's not from InfiniyWard, I'm not buying. You've been warned Activision.

When I think explosions and mayhem, I think Ride of the Valkyries, not this classical piece.

*crossing fingers, stilling holding out for LBP for the 360*

I downloaded Plants vs Zombies. I loved the PC version. also, $5 bucks for Tetris???? wtf???

@TheRevanchist: Well from what I've checked, the only way to add applications without using the App Store and iTunes is to Jailbreak it which I shouldn't have to do to begin with.

"It's Apple's store and device" I don't agree with the last portion. Sure it's Apple's store but I paid for the device. It's MY property. Why should I be told what I can't or can do with it?