
meh. Pass.

@Koolaider: Who needs food? I'm sure you can skip a few weeks worth of meals. You can't disappoint Kaz Hirai! Get that PS3 :p

@NarakuOni: Too bad it's not company policy.

I'm a Pepsi guy but for some Mass Effect 2 DLC, I'll gladly drink some Dr. Pepper

@cyruss: mmm I'll see if I borrow it from a friend and play it when I have nothing better to do.

Yes. Been counting down since Monday.

@radink: That sucks. I really enjoyed it on the PC.

Sorry but if it doesn't have Infinity Ward's stamp on the gamebox, I'm not buying it. Last non-Infinity Ward Call of Duty game that I bought was CoD 3. I then promptly skill World at War.

What I want to see is EA push Battlefield 2142.

@Blazinglynx: Which was made by Infinity Ward before they ditched EA to make Call of Duty. :p

@Dante_Ravenkin: Facebook sent all their female members an email about it.

I don't know why Palm didn't go with another name for their OS. As a Spanish speaking person, I can't help but laugh whenever I read "WebOS".

@bucho54: "Why should I have to hack my phone to improve my user experience?

@BryanH: Great minds think alike!

Nexus One wins, stop being Apple fanboys Gizmodo.

@Clstirens: I have two Xboxes just because! :p

What? Ghostbusters was freaking awesome. It was everything I wanted from a Ghostbusters game.

Ghost Recon in Battlefield 2142 style? Count me in!