
yes but what he fails to see is that if you create more new IPs you create more chances to create more sequels so everyone wins. Gamers get new IPs and Activision can keep pumping more sequels.

@-MasterDex-: Oops, yeah, I meant Fatal Frame IV.

How about bringing Fatal Frame III, the master of flashlight horror games stateside Nintendo?

@TimmiT: Not really. The damn washer that they didnt bother gluing down ruined my stick.

@rdcarvallo: How? They are spare marines. The spartans are space marines, therefore, Starship Troopers = Halo :p

@clasifyd:That's what I want it for as well.

@KEN: I'm far but good but yes. Not all of them are of me.

They already made a Halo movie. It's called Starship Troopers. :p

I've always wondered about this but when you guys buy figurines/collectibles do you keep them in the plastic or take them out? I always take my stuff out and place them on my games shelf.

how about instead of doing this stuff, they work on making the regular versions available to people via normal channels instead of buying them off eBay at high markups.

@NicolasCage: The new gawker commenting system :p

So they don't own the rights but are suing as if they had rights?

Well looks like I might be getting this for the PS3 if I decide to buy it. I'm already getting the PS3 version for my uncle as birthday gift but it looks like I might have to buy two PS3 copies since I was originally going to get it for myself on the 360.

and this is why I love my Windows Mobile phone. I didn't pay $100+ dollars on it to have some company tell me what I can or can't install on a product I paid for.

There is also another solution for this problem. You return your copy of Prototype for the PS3 and exchange if for the 360 version. Viola! Problem solved.

James Purefoy (Resident Evil, Mark Antony in the TV series Rome) = Max Payne?

It was a yawn fest. Nintendo can suck it unless they bring me Fatal Frame.