
So maybe THIS is why my 360 got bricked while trying to install the NXE preview. Now Microsoft has the guts to charge me 90 bucks to fix it.

I got my email yesterday.

@Lightman: but that's not as fun as getting a 5 stars on a song :(

As a Guitar player, I find Guitar Hero/Rock Band to be fun. They are good finger exercise tools. Heck, My pinky strength and movement has improved in my guitar playing since messing around with Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Wii Music on the other hand is just...I don't think there are words to describe it.

Crap no!

Wouldn't it be better for Sega to say it's because of quality control?

No mention of the 6 hr SP length?

Gears of War is my addiction..Must have more...*sniff*

I heard that it's because of users getting the NXE early before November 19th.

Military grade equipment for paintball?? Sure.

:( I'm a consumer whore. I can't help but by games I want on first day of release.

@EmperorExile: Kotaku is a blog. Say hello to the banhammer coming your way.

@ichiban1081: I use babies tears, ain't that close enough? :(

@elementary: My hair is close for a mortal compared to Crecente's god-like mane. I think it would be a fair wager.

Hey Crecente I got my hair as long as you. I'll gladly bet my hair to play against you.

Well that's a rather interesting approach but why don't they just release it as shareware and then let the users buy it instead of depending on retail consumers to do all the heavy work.

I can haz Hudson flask?

@Wolf_Dog: Not really. Each game is different. Different type of horror.