
Jobs drinking his own kool-aid drink??

So that mean it's true? Since "No" or "No Comment" in the game industry usually means "yes".

So did Crecente make Colbert? or did Colbert make Crecente?

Best. Article picture. ever.

Lulz, Epic Fail. Should have kept this Xbox 360 from the start and just saved for a PS3.

@Foxstar Sixtail: "Most of these folks have more buying power and more time on their hands then a lot of you laughing hyenas and weeping willows." I doubt it. 3 co-workers of mine own a Wii and they haven't bought any games in the year that they have owned it. They only play Wii sports and that's it. I on the other

So this is what Nintendo abandoned us core gamers for? *note to self: Don't buy Nintendo's next-gen console.*

bah, this thing works only while you are in XMB.

woot. Got it working on Vista.

Someone!! Anyone!! PLEAASSSEEE pick up this game and publish it.

It's pretty meh. I already uninstalled it. Stick with Firefox.

Me want!! Hey Witzbold, hook me up with an early copy of your game.

@endaround: I'M SINNNGGING IN THE RAING *kicks endaround*, JUST SINGING IN THE RAIN *kicks endaround*, WHAT A GLORIOUS FEELING *kicks endaround*, I'M HAPPY AGAIN! *kicks endaround*

@jookie: I knew that :p@Altima NEO: ah ok. Thanks for clearing that up for me!

Nice truck, looking at it makes me want to go get a chimichurri. Also, not sure if it's me but this game title sounds weird. Samba de Amigo = Samba of Friend?

@MSUSteve: Yup. It was the only reason I bought into rock band. Harmonix! I demand you get down with the evil filthy whence Courtney Love and give me Nirvana DLC Albums!!!

@deft0k: Agreed! Damn you Courtney Love!!! *shakes fist in anger*

@Slayer: The R4 has firmware upgrades too.