Its not quiet in nyc.
Its not quiet in nyc.
If you were REALLY inferiority they wouldn’t have to work so hard to so hard to prove it with advertising, tv, erasing your history, lies about your culture.
Maybe it’s just the way (Lucyfers) white moms raised their kids, because even on the play ground Jaxson is an angry bullying little dick to the other kids.
You assuming financial marginalization based off of race. If you travel to Egypt, Madagascar, China, India or the Dominican Republic you’ll see how white supremacy works up close.
I dont care who started it. Once you’re a European Jew and you feel comfortable treating Ethopian Jews like dogs - I say fuck you.
I think you have to ask East asian women this question, perticularly of Chinese, Korean and Japanese descent.
YOU know your enemy.
Its the same way I dont like poor white people because they will always use racism to deflect from their joblessness, low test scores and overall underachieving selves.
Dont blame yourself for not being able to recognize pedophile.
Yes, you still prove my point. After the massive Hurricane in Haiti she ended up with a brand new black baby. Just like Sandra after Katrina. New born Black babies became plentiful all over the world to celebrities, Canadians and progressive or liberal white women wanting to make statements. Which black mom either…
Sandra Bullock went right to New Orleans and got a beautiful black baby boy. What black mother died in Katrina OR survived but was told her baby died. A lot of those babies from Katrina were put in foster care. Some black babies and kids went to Utah and some to Canada. Follow the black babies. And than all these…
Sooooooo..... I think we can say bdsm and sex parties are out in white parents bedrooms and racism is in.
Nope. Pedophiles, racist, serial killers, rapist and murders need to be labeled and identified, so the rest of the population can be safe from them.
They get it.
It’s racial gaslighting.
The racist lawyer Aaron was Jewish. There are jewish guys in the new (or old) white supremacist group and one guy has a Jewish wife.
NOT TRACK!!! White people can’t run. Leave that to the afro caribeñas. Obviously no Island people were on the team.
Ay, un bien assessment. You’re now been elevated to a new position as ‘white douche bro reader’. Collect $200 million.
Tyrone is a white Irish name.
That white abusive lesbian couple just killed 4 black underfed foster kids. The two white females had 6 black foster kids total and no jobs.