google email and you'll find out yahoo mail is the first result. So no, it is still being used by everybody everyday.
google email and you'll find out yahoo mail is the first result. So no, it is still being used by everybody everyday.
I don't think Google Fiber is a major ISP provider. Comcast's speed is the only reason I am sticking around with them. If Verizon offers FiOS around me, I'd jump ship right away.
For me, the reason to get a surface pro is not to use it as a tablet but as a ultra portable computer that doesn't have the keyboard present at all time. If I want to the keyboard, I can use it, otherwise it's folded backward and hidden. I think it's a totally different market than a tablet which is primary used for…
ah, maybe he minified the code. ROFL
What did the code do? up up down down left right left right a b a b to trigger something? rofl
oh crap, html markup is gone. I'll upload a image later.
There are many ways to annoying a front end developer. How about just
ah, i didn't know that, i always thought it's going to be the whole thing. are you sure it's not a stage 1 we do this and stage 2 we do that thing?
true true. at first i thought it was a different angle but then i looked at it a bit more and no matter where you look at it, the necelles are too far apart.
I have to point out one thing. They are building a new bay bridge right next to the old one. So I seriously doubt in this star year, the new bridge is gone and the old stand still. Damn, SF has its share of destructions just like Tokyo. :/
I think it is enterprise, compare it with the last movie.
Oh man, I still have 8 rolls of undeveloped films. Hopefully I'll get around to do them and god knows what might the time will do the films lol.
I don't like your posts Jesus, but I do like Goldfrapp. So I guess there's something we have in common after all. Nice song. :)
At least for Android code, you can see source code, you can't even complain about iOS source code because you never get to see it.
I read the first paragraph when it was in the blog view, clicked the link to read all and started with Hodor lol
The point is if you are worried about your kid, then walk him/her to school, build a surveillance drone to see him safe to school is just lazy and irresponsible. Using an abduction might not be the best example, let's just what if the kid crossing the street, and then got hit by a car? Parenting is spend time with…
Logitech Revue user. I like it but I wish more Android Goodness is pushed my way. The hardware could use a refresh by now though. My parents use it to view all the pirated Chinese programs on Chinese websites. I think it was a great piece of htpc replacement and I think the high price is what really did it in. If the…
I think they need to put that Spoiler warning in the title. I didn't even notice it until I saw your comment. I thought this article is ridiculous of not having a spoiler warning because the kind of spoilers it contained.