
It was a really emotional panel. By the end of it, Joss had red eye, Nathan, summer and everybody else are crying and the whole room was crying. I didn't experience this live, but my eyes were welling up when I watched the recording. He said some of the best and honest words at the end. He said, I summarize, Firefly

Until it is infected and he has to get it off fast... When will artist ever learn.

I got the OTA last night, didn't notice anything different. When I search pandora, it returns pandora app, web site.

China is not terrible. It's the people who rules China and some of the citizens of China that is terrible.

I think you are wrong. Coldhand has no power over wights. Good try though.

Naruto universe is totally true with all the talking animals!

I get it, you are frustrated with idiotic Windows users that click every single flashing links on the internet but have you ever stop and think that you are hating the wrong party? Windows as an operating system is fine, it's the users, the market share that made Windows such a cesspool. I mean if everybody can just

Please visit this site, history of mac vs pc campaign, under headline virus. [www.adweek.com]

Everybody hates Battlefield Earth but nobody said why? Is it so bad that nobody can name a reason? I enjoyed it while I was watching it and every time it is on TV. I don't think it's any worst than a lot of high budget scifi movies(Green Lantern, I am number 4, etc.).

I don't know, I would not so bold as to point out where we are in the galaxy in early space exploration days. That's just suicidal.

I guess next time they will be requesting bank account login info or [mint.com] login info to check if you are laundering any money for crime families.

LOL, everybody in China know this. All government officials in China take bribes, high rank enable the person to take bigger bribes, low ranking officials take smaller bribes and of course, the heads of the government doesn't take bribes because they already have the whole country in their pockets. You either get rich

Yeah, I love the Lungs album, so good. This is in their other album.

yeah i saw her speech at standford, indeed very interesting topic. i think gaming can actually solving a lot of issues. :)

WOW, the dude submitted multiple games day after another. Digimon, Yugioh.

so what? it is what i want to do if the world ends.

It doesn't seem like people are going mad in the trailer, I guess there's a little but most of the trailer shows people are living as usual and they are having fun. To seriously think about this thing, I wouldn't know what to do either, I'll probably resubscribe to WOW and spend my last days in it. :)

Sure it is small, but don't try to download/upload large amounts of data using it because it will overheat the little sucker very fast and you'll be left without connection. Speaking from personal experiences.

my point exactly, explains why there's only 1-4% of Neanderthals' DNA left.

Very simple.