
because i am not well educated like you and most of my salary is going back into my student loan. maybe i will do something after all my credit card bill, my student loan is all paid off but then i have to pray that i don't get sick since i can't afford health care with the money i am getting paid.

Yes, top 1% do pay more tax even when a lot of them are paying 15% of their total income. Ask Buffett. [moneywatch.bnet.com]

Oh man, only if they could get their hands on the Benjamins...

Where did you get this "fact"?

well then, why don't you start hiring?

way to try to get free testers.

you have an arcade machine in your room?!? you rock man!

I have a question. If this is the case, isn't it better for iPad? Since people knows about iPad and they are most likely will want to get an iPad, not a Galaxy Tab. Why are Apple suing people who give them free publicity?

Yeah, but who uses airport with Windows? Usually it's the Netgear, D-link, Cisco/Linksys, Belkin, and some other brands. BTW, Cisco/Linksys modem rocks. :)

So basically an app to manage a device that can't be managed without a PC. Noted.

I don't use airport, but on windows system, you access the router through browser, it's not the same on Mac?


They do have that but the commute is like 5 hours everyday for the longest route.

those are not photoshopped man.

Install msysgit [code.google.com] and choose "Run Git and included Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt" option. Problem solved.

Can this be considered animal cruelty? Those cats' paws is obviously bounded...

For infographics, these are not very informative.

Agreed. I guess that's why Apple is trying to reinvent the mouse with the magic mouse and the Touchpad mouse with multi-gesture support. I guess I am just too used to the Windows environment and I can't live without keyboard short-cuts. :/

I don't know about OSX being the most user-friendly OS in the world. What I had about OSX is i can't tab end or home to go to the end of the current line or the head of the current line. This bug the shit out of me. I have to use comman+left arrow or right arrow to accomplish this.

The Ultimate Exorcism - Evil comes again and it will come again and agin and again.