

First off Sandy was only a Cat One when she hit the mainland US. Granted she was the largest on record but she was far from the strongest. She happened to hit the most densely populated area of the USA and her storm surge was powerful but hardly unusual.

Its got to the most wholly remarkable book in the known universe. It contains the answer to life the universe and everything. It always reminds you to have a towel handy.

These dudes are the very definition of "The Little Guy."

The Frog Brothers. "How much do you think we should charge them?'

As far as people who choose to work alone but ended up in a crew, cant think of anyone better than Bebop's. The original Space Cowboy.

The Imperial Academy from Star Wars. I would make sure no little teddy bears would defeat the mighty Galactic Empire!

To be fair to Chi-Chi, she's a lot more sensible in the manga. The anime Flanderized the hell out of her.

There is physical abuse and there is psychological abuse. Lucy is not from anime but she was abusing the opposite sex for years...and loving it.

I've never heard someone describe a gadget lover as a technocrat.

Yesterday: only the 1% in highschools that taught Latin and expected actual proficiency.

The "Painter of Light" meets the Painter of Light Sabers.

Best of times. There's no other time that was better overall. Antibiotics still mostly work. That's nice.

Let's not forget the survivor's bias.

Could be New Jersey. The Statue of Liberty's head appears to be detached and half buried under rubble. Notice in the background the Statue's body looks a bit... tilted? Possibly indicating it was damaged...

I can accept the premise that God is all loving. I can accept the premise that God is all powerful. I cannot, however, reconcile the two.

If we're doing this, then Captain America endorses steroids use. Plain and simple.