Random fact:
Random fact:
Was that Teddy shown just under the water in the closing scene?
Even when it was a shared comic-book universe, the connections were pretty tenuous. Captain America would go off and adventure with the Avengers, and in the same month, to something else in his own book, and the two stories would never reference one another. I came to the rationalization, that events in the different…
The reason you don’t see pictures of cows with horns is that most ranchers de-horn their cows, so that they don’t beat on each other.
I was under the impression that tigers were pretty shy. If tiger is going to hunt a person, that person has to wander into the tiger’s territory, and probably alone.
Story-wise, there was never any question of Caps ability to lay out those agents in that scene.
Book Lex was whiny and useless. They really needed to fix her, so they grew her up and gave her Tim’s, computer skills.
When my girlfriend was reading the book Jurassic Park she kept telling me that they should throw the little girl in the lake!
The tradition with buttons — In the olden days, women of a certain class, had maids to dress them. For men, that was less likely.
I bat left and dress right. And it feels only natural that one would carry their sword on the opposite side as their dominant hand.
Jason Voorhees has only starred in 11 Friday the 13 movies!
Foghorn, Buggs, the whole Loony Tunes cast used that phrase. They probably have more to do with popularizing than anything else.
You just have to learn how to fart silently.
But what about the snakes?
Strange women lying in ponds, distrubutin’ swords sounds like it would be an improvement.
Will you shut up....
Thanos doesn’t have to iron them. He has people for that.
They guy cold lay down a bunt.
Like everything in environmental science, it is always more complex than it at first appears.
Walter White is not supposed to be any kind of hero. Breaking Bad is the story of consequences of his bad decisions and Walter White’s ever deepening spiral.