Iran (Ahmadinejad in particualr) has vowed to exterminate Jews and the state of Israel. Israel has never vowed anything of the sort.
Iran (Ahmadinejad in particualr) has vowed to exterminate Jews and the state of Israel. Israel has never vowed anything of the sort.
Which university campuses? Not the ones in California, I guarantee you. Our students have been harassed for over a decade.
Always. This article tries desperately to repeatedly mention that critiques that are anti-Israel are not anti-Semitic. Which is baffling to me. I am involved in an organization for Jewish students on California college campuses, and nearly all of them have had people confront them about Israel. Just because they’re…
Bernie lost the Jewish vote when he came out strongly against Israel. He wouldn’t have had a chance in florida.
Yeah, I don’t agree with the OP on this one. I think people couldn’t stand Hillary’s corruption and lies, because she always pretended it wasn’t her, she didn’t do it. The fear of what you DON’T know always surpasses the devil you do know. Trump may be a horrible person, but he’s out there about it. He doesn’t…
Obama will be too busy making speeches (the one thing he’s really good at) for a million a pop, and laughing all the way to the bank.
My parents are lower middle class, and young enough not to hit Medicare yet. They’re . . .not doing well. Insurance after the ACA is impossible, and they have gone down year after year from platinum to gold to silver (all HMO), and they still can’t afford their healthcare. They make too much to qualify for…
Not true. Under Barack, middle class americans suffered more. Their taxes got higher, they made too much money to qualify for real Obamacare but too little to afford the market plans (that saw a 40% jump in premiums for this coming year), and these elusive job creations were in government, for which it’s impossible…
I don’t think you’re right. Even my father, who is a die-hard Republican, would have voted for a female candidate. It just has to be the RIGHT female candidate. I think people like to latch on to this excuse as some kind of reason why people hate Hillary Clinton, when the reality is because Hillary Clinton is…
I find it mind boggling that we’ve launched our hate against someone like Jill Stein, instead of Hillary Clinton, who made herself and her politics so reviled that people would think Trump was an improvement.
What state requires a body to be embalmed? I think that’s false. Many states DO require a coffin. My friend wanted to be buried in a sheet, and he wasn’t allowed.
Most states require coffins. But a plain pine box isn’t that much.
The kid is riding a lion, with limo and porsche play-cars at his feet. You can’t make this up.
I feel like this thread is going off the rails. Wearing pink or wanting to having longer hair and being more feminine is not “transgender”. I think forcing a child to choose this definitive path instead of being more relaxed about social and gender norms is forcing a child to make decisions they know nothing about. …
I’m going to call bullshit on the fact that you “knew you weren’t straight” at 4 years old. Sexual preference is nowhere on their radar until a child ages, and I’m really tired of phrasing the discussion this way. Being gay is inborn, but it’s not realized at freaking four.
How can i find this two part Easter Special?
I just started watching season 6 on YouTube. Is that what you mean? For me, my favorite season was the one where Nancy won.
I’m late to the party but one thing that truly bothers me, along these lines, are DAN doctors. Snake oil salesmen. I’m ashamed to say my husband overrode me and took my son to one of these places (not DAN, possibly, but some clinic along those lines) and bought a ton of vitamin powders and drinks that are supposed to…
Lot’s response to the townspeople of Sodom was to give them one of his own possessions - his daughter. Not because of his “house’s honor and future”, but because he diametrically opposed Sodom’s worldview of guests. You can see my comment to someone else about this, but Sodom felt that guests were takers, which…