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    I hate my bump. All my life I’ve been envious of women with flat stomachs. I know, I know. First world problems.

    Yeah, I fell in love with smart men only. But strangely, when looking for a spouse, I put his behavior to me and others as number one. Too many years of painful fights with my family made me want someone who was a peace-maker instead. My husband is damn smart, but he’s not the smartest one in the room. But he puts

    That’s love, though, isn’t it? Thinking that your spouse is the incredible person that they are. People may halfway agree with you, but no one else is usually, “Oh yeah. He’s the best guy I ever met.” Because your guy isn’t their guy.

    No. This didn’t happen. IT DID?!

    I’m so damn jealous. A year into my Mirena, and my period still shows up like clockwork, even EARLY. They told me LIES.

    Also, most times the children available for adoption come with some pretty hefty medical issues. I looked into fostering-to-adoption, and there was a child with Down Syndrome, a heavily autistic 13 year old, and another older girl who was raped by her father. I have an autistic son, I know what it means. Taking on the

    You’re still going to need a woman’s egg, unless you’ve somehow come up with a way to get a sperm to contain mitochondrial DNA.

    That is so true. I always heard about “media bias” and “incorrect reporting”, but I never saw it in action until a family member of mine got into the newspapers for a legal action. Complete fabrications. It was eye-opening.

    Based on what another poster put up, Monty Williams has had far more time practicing.

    This is the most amazing article. Wow.

    ...Would you want to move back in with your mother?

    Sure. Every autistic kid is getting ABA therapy with slaps and a cattle prod. Please stop talking.

    I can’t entirely quit Facebook, but the formatting makes it virtually excruciating to wade through. Somehow everyone has latched on to this “TASTY” blog or some such that shows videos of someone cooking the unhealthiest things in america (layer cheese, butter, cheese, then dough from a can, then sprinkle sugar and

    I live in LA, and people who say that they miss the seasons mystify me. You miss...what exactly?

    Same thing happened to Sally Field.

    I got my Ph.D in the hard sciences, and in graduate school, I had a kid. Cue the Dean of Students telling me that it meant I didn’t REALLY commit to science. My PI told me to quit and be a mother. I should have known then what I was in for, but at the time, I internalized it and thought they must be right, and they

    This is making me so depressed. I’m not actually in tech, or supposed to be in tech, but they fired the CIT, and made this incompetent (male) boob the CIT, and basically I’m his “assistant”, but in many respects, I know more than he does by osmosis, practice, and time. Guess who gets twice the salary of the other,

    I searched for this comment specifically just so that I can pat you on the back and tell you how right you were. YOU WERE RIGHT. All the comments in this thread should take a hard look at themselves and the premise of “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.”

    I keep thinking she’s the person from Father Of The Bride.
