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    Associate professors - I’m assuming they aren’t full professors, I haven’t watched the show in a while - can be paid as little as $20,000 a year. Academia is a huge struggle to reach those exalted tenured positions, and to grab them from professors holding onto them like grim death.

    Now that I try to recreate the plot of season 1 in my mind, it was also pretty terrible. Really - summarize the plot of season 1, and try and convince someone that it makes logical sense.

    You’re right. It’s ALL A BLUR. That entire season felt like a marathon of awfulness.

    Exactly. This scene made no sense. Some people insist martin was eventually leading to this, but it’s the opposite of everything Stannis.

    Exactly. Even Martin explored how rape hurt that minor female character that Bron marries in the show. But in the show? Crickets.

    I’ll tell you why I don’t like this whole, “In the book it was worse!” as a defense.

    I understand the knee-jerk reaction, where you just want to help. But you can’t help by throwing open the borders, telling them they have to navigate waters that citizens themselves can’t afford (buy your own healthcare, slashed medicare and medi-caid, no jobs, slashed welfare, etc) and then sit back and pat yourself

    Don’t deliberately misquote me. Work visas or school visas - they have to pick one and get it.

    Like I said elsewhere. In the 40s, when my grandparents were arriving from DP camps from the Holocaust in Europe, when they clearly weren’t dangerous terrorists amongst them, they weren’t allowed into this country until they had documented work visas. And we’re suspending this now because. . ?

    I’m no Trump supporter, but I think letting Syrian refugees in are a bad idea. Careful vetting is needed, because Syrian refugees are literally coming in droves from an environment where in-house terrorism and civil war is ubiquitous. And they aren’t fans of the US either - in fact, they’ve never been allies.

    Well, isn’t that exactly what Kareem was saying? He’s disassociating himself, a Muslim, from a different kind of Muslim. He’s also differentiating, calling one brand of Muslim “crazy” and the other, “true”.

    This needs to be widely disseminated. This is crucial information.

    wouldn’t the buns be soggy? Wouldn’t the sauce drip out? Wouldn’t shipping cause them to collapse sideways? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

    I will not lie, I want a cookie gun. Only because one of the best cookies I’ve ever had need a cookie gun to shape well, because the dough is so...what’s the term? Smushy.

    I’m late to the party, but I still get a lot of judgement about taking Zofran (an anti-emetic) through three of my pregnancies. Mind you, the first two I didn’t take anything, and those are the kids with special needs. It doesn’t stop people from saying, loudly, “Oh, I never/would never take medication while pregnant.”

    Exactly. Do you know what I am afraid of? Pollution. It’s killing all of us.

    But that’s the very thing at risk - tight restrictions on pollution. Corporations are against it, because it’s expensive. The world is against it, because coal is cheap and plentiful. However, the health of the world - including people, who are suffering from long and protracted illnesses because of it - is at stake.

    I agree with you and I have also seen recent Washington Post articles stating that climate change is the new narrative, and no one is allowed to disagree with that narrative. It’s very dictatorial, and doesn’t allow for actual science.

    That’s true. Orthodox Jews don’t allow that. No embalming, no casket that isn’t made out of decompostable wood, no sealed casket, etc. It’s “green burial” before it had a name. And if they can get away with it, it’s preferable to be buried straight into the ground wrapped in a sheet.

    Cremation is worse for the environment than burial.