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    Exactly. I’m STILL wondering why Stannis ran to the Wall to help fight the White Walkers, then said, “Whatever,” and went back to fighting to become King again?

    My gut feeling is that at least some of the complaints about excessive violence and a reliance on “shocking” turns of events this season came from the fact that we weren’t seeing enough of the context to make those situations feel grounded.

    I was completely surprised by how much I liked that story, even while i admit that towards the end my eyes just started scanning lengthy discussions of repairs.

    Aside from the awful acting and the awful ending, I thought the Butterfly Effect was pretty good. What was the problems?

    Yeah. It’s a bit of a misstep for Mr. Meticulous Planner, which indicates the writers didn’t think this through. That’s why Jeyne Poole worked better - worse case scenario, she dies, no “real harm” done. Of course, she wouldn’t see it that way, but when you’re a player like Littlefinger, that makes more sense.

    This has made my day.

    So HE’s saving himself, but it’s okay in his mind to toss Sansa to Ramsay? While. . what? He waits for Ramsay to get killed?

    Just FYI, the show isn’t an accurate depiction of a savage, war-torn and ravaged middle ages world either, and the fact that you think it is shows you’re looking for just as much of a fairytale as the critics you’re slamming.

    There is SOMEONE ELSE who is around who is a Targaryen. In the books, anyway. Tyrion rumors notwithstanding, which I highly highly doubt.

    It doesn’t matter how much power you have in your blood if you just die without the magic ritual. Otherwise Aerys/Rhaegar, whomever could just repeatedly rise from the dead every time someone tried to kill them.

    Varys wasn’t immune to fire and he was a true Targaryen.

    She’s. . . not immune to fire? So the whole “dragons burning House of the Undying people alive right under her armpits while fire passes right alongside her body without her flinching” is another miracle?

    Okay. Since she was the one who convinced Stannis that the Wall needed him more than his vendetta against the Lannisters at the moment (which. . what? Why did he change his mind?), perhaps she’ll take up against the White Walkers where Jon left off. That seems entirely plausible, especially given her knowledge of

    You know what I don’t understand? All these articles are premised on the “the camera cut away before we really know that Jon Snow is dead.”

    Everyone you mentioned - all the women - it would be impossible to find actors with that kind of hair. Daenerys - who has silverly blond hair that thick? Cersei, Margery - these are noble women who grow out their hair for a lifetime and put it in elaborate hairdos. It’s nearly impossible to find women who have this

    It’s stupid because in the books, Sansa is left to grow and mature and become Lady of the house, running it and learning how to run an estate. That may not be fun or colorful enough, but being Warden of the North - as is presumably what we are all hoping for - is not about surviving more rape and torture. THAT is a

    Sansa’s rape plot is extremely stupid.

    Entertainment Weekly, and the Inside the Episode where the writers talk.

    This was a hilarious article.

    No it isn—-