The proposal specifically bans rituals that require, “dressing up as women or wearing costumes that may be offensive to individuals based on their race, sex, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender identify or other characteristic.”
The proposal specifically bans rituals that require, “dressing up as women or wearing costumes that may be offensive to individuals based on their race, sex, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender identify or other characteristic.”
If you can’t bully other players around then who will play the Padres?
It’s weird that the whole “pussification of america” crowd is defending dressing up like women.
But the cruelty is often in service of white nationalism.
I honestly don’t understand how people can be so cruel. Just gleefully, unabashedly horrible.
Dick Armey would like a word with you.
Virginia Foxx is also ranked #1 on the politicians that sound like pornstars list, just ahead of Barbara Boxer.
I absolutely agree but while I am stranded here doing phone interviews I have to write something. That’s my job. So I did this. I’m certainly not planning a series on my coldness or my feelings.
I feel like your inconveniences are less important than the real issues here, yet somehow you wrote an entire article about how much it sucks to be cold.
Dropping 60 points is great, but the real story here is that Draymond Green went 48 minutes without kneeing an opposing player in the balls.
hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead
If you were black you wouldn’t have been pulled over that many times because one of them would have shot you already.
If you’ve been pulled over for speeding that many times, then you are a worthless, reckless, selfish, idiotic piece of shit, and I hope you get the shit beat out of you next time.
Well, the cop probably knew you were a repeat offender. 2 dozen times? Slow the fuck down and stop at the fucking light!
Let’s bring your take down to a a white-ish guy, my friends have been described by ourselves and by others as a “posse” plenty of times. Nobody blinked.
I use the terms posse and thug however the fuck I want.
It’s not.
I mean posse was meant to have a negative connotation in this context. Lebron was out dicking around instead of on the plane. I just don’t think it was meant to have any more negative connotation than Leo’s Pussy Posse.
Surprised that drive didn’t end with a pass too.