The first such experiment, which was not the whole plane, was a disaster.
The first such experiment, which was not the whole plane, was a disaster.
Why isn’t the whole plane made out of black on black crime???
What stereo types does it confirm. The stereo type that these two guys are dumb and killed an innocent person?
Hope for the future: Nearly restored.
This game was over before the first ball dropped.
Nobody expects the Spanish friend tradition.
Man it’s dusty in my office.
The Japanese coach telling the kids at halftime that they were disgracing the Emperor didn’t help.
No snark here. This is why I love sports.
Once we detect patterns in the signal that couldn’t possibly be caused by natural sources, such as a stream of prime numbers.
I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.
Pats fan: OMG Marshawn, why would you call me a bitch!?
Put it this way; if I were Kobe, would I yell “Kobe!” during every shot in my pickup games? You’re welcome.
To commemorate the day, spas in the greater Vail, CO area were throwing in a free facial, whether you asked for it or not.
Yes kobe never scored more than 16-24 pts a game. So edgy and brave..
I’m saddened by the lack of calculator watches on this list :/
I’m saddened by the lack of calculator watches on this list :/
Are these fucking pictures real?!?