That linked article has over 1100 comments. This current one probably won't make it to 50. Thanks a lot spanfeller, you fuck
That linked article has over 1100 comments. This current one probably won't make it to 50. Thanks a lot spanfeller, you fuck
wah, wah, muh graphics
but will the show finally dig into the robot scourge stealing pills from the elderly?
Jokes are illegal
i’m going to fuck your mother
How many millions of those are cheaters getting a new key?
Shut da fuck up
really would have ruined his 90 seconds of screentime
get a life
people that whine about graphics deserve the firing squad
can’t believe you didn’t mention Cream the Rabbit
shut the fuck up about your dumb word game
that must be tough on a shoe salesman’s salary
fuck off, nazi
can’t be mad that idiots are being parted from their money