salt fucko has nothing to teach me except for how to bilk morons
salt fucko has nothing to teach me except for how to bilk morons
it’s pretty wild that we’re a year in and there’s pretty much no new gen exclusives
but people love the farming game? not sure why its news that it’s doing well
it’s actually because they knew it would make you mad
lol, get a life dude
i’ve never played Rez but Lumines fucking rules and is the best block puzzle game since Tetris
fans are the worst people in the world
no it hasn’t
but if i can save the image to my own computer what’s the difference who owns it?
calm down Eddie
hell yeah
no thanks
fuck you i’ll do what i want to
my god, it would have been better to just release the old games
it would be an incredible joy to read about a game from a big publisher that doesn’t have an ‘economy’
probably because outside of The Simpsons and kids stuff the only offering is two franchises that have little to offer right now
not sure why you feel the need to report on this softcore porn actress. it seems out of the purview of your website
what a dumb idea but it’s easier than trying to make society less shitty
it’d be pretty cool if you died in a fire
fuck off