that’s right
that’s right
perceiving anything pokimane does as authentic should be cause for immediate detention in a mental health facility
thanks obama
suck my ass
4k doesn’t matter. it doesn’t allow you to make a better game
they don’t make em like that anymore
it’s just a pun dude
lol, made the jalopnik regulars mad with this one. good for you
the MN state fair is 12 days long for your own protection
rogan talking to tarantino for 3 hours sounds like the worst thing that has ever happened
i was expecting this to be about ergot poisoning but i guess that was a silly expectation
i don’t know anyone that talked about this game after the first couple days
it actually has amazing lore but they refuse to use the interesting stuff in favor of creating a new setting every 3 months
a brand new kinja account being a cunt about how kotaku is too woke. lol, nice try dumbass
if they wanted they could try for a whole mass effect universe like marvel
i’m the only insane person brave enough to have this opinion
the AVP movies are the best predator movies outside the original
i like to call it crapitalism
praising automatic transmission on jalopnik? that’s a paddlin