
lol, calm down


Whipping myself into a frenzy over this

never heard of this guy until now. he seems like a real asshole 

fuck you 

lol, die mad 

92 Chevy Lumina Eurosport. block cracked and couldn’t afford to do anything about it

do you hate NBA Jam because of all the shoving?


you don’t know a god damn thing 

Cats the movie is a masterpiece of idiotic filmmaking and it’s one of my favorite movies to watch in amazement that anyone thought it was a good idea to release it

fuck off

chris hardwick is the source of most of today’s problems 

twitch is always available

Tired of hearing about this stupid game 

slow news month?

a number of things are listed as both coming and leaving. what the fuck is going on?

next you’ll be saying that light swords don’t work the way Stars Wars depicts 


it is