i still can’t believe you haven’t done Jynx or Mr Mime yet
i still can’t believe you haven’t done Jynx or Mr Mime yet
i could live for several years on what someone spent on a very large toy
fuck whoever makes these slideshows instead of regular listicles
are you finally figuring out that award shows are just advertisments?
fun is illegal
all colas suck
having lived very near the middle of nowhere, please don’t visit. nobody wants you there
no thanks
i will do whatever the fuck i want
The x-men arcade game was only available to purchase for a few years and hasn't been listed in digital stores for many years now
You’ve never driven through the country have you
went where?
Sure, why not?
Money corrupts, absolute money corrupts absolutely
haha, nerd
i remember nothing!
lol, of course there are idiots in the comments trying to make the case that actually some corps are good. we might as well detonate all the nukes and save ourselves some time
no thanks
everything about Jumping Flash rules