
went where?

Sure, why not?

Money corrupts, absolute money corrupts absolutely

haha, nerd 

i remember nothing!

lol, of course there are idiots in the comments trying to make the case that actually some corps are good. we might as well detonate all the nukes and save ourselves some time 

no thanks 

everything about Jumping Flash rules 

That boy needs therapy 

The intro to GTAV has some great snow

i got about halfway through reading all this before i thought to myself “this is stupid” 

respecting judd apatow was one of the biggest mistakes of the 21st century 

lol, you think the game awards matter 

it’s gonna suck!

Fucking hell

lol, and people will still laud this thing as the greatest game ever because they already decided it was a year ago

seems bad 

They should just not send free shit to anyone. Problem solved 

always fun when the english show us where we got all the stupid from 

i honestly can’t imagine caring about this either way