step one: don’t
step one: don’t
those that seek such incredible power are already morally bankrupt before they get corrupted by the power they attain
eat shit
Can you have a new mode for a game that hasn't released yet?
It sucks that they figured out how to manipulate people so effectively that they never have to make a new game if they don't want to
Who care
Time is an illusion
did....did this guy think that Twitch cared about him even a tiny bit?
why won’t this Joe, trader that he is, take my offer of 3 bindles of firewood for a half pound of pastrami?
you suck
excellent craftsmanship
hard pass
no thanks
games got worse when we abandoned Big Head Mode
Are there really people buying these week one that need tips on how to use them?
It’s just a game dude
It took me years to get over playing Metal Gear Solid