
fuck all of you people in the comments

it’s so far superior to Family Guy that i can’t believe it’s stuck on TBS having 10 episodes strung out over 5 months 

that’s a great story 

cool story 

psycho shit 

can i die of gangrene while waiting in the trench?


i drive a 2500 Express every day and the last thing i want is more power



RIP Pontiac. you didn’t deserve to die, you just had a stupid parent company 

i had no idea until this happened that flavor flav was still alive

shocked that google is being google and thinking they can just show up and succeed. remember google+

anyone that cares about how to say gif should be imprisoned forever because they are the most worthless people that have ever lived

play 1 then 2. it’ll make more sense if you go in the intended order 

neil tyson jumped the shark so long ago said species of shark is now extinct 

Eat my whole ass

black mirror type shit 

for Fallout 5 you pay Bethesda $60 and they just come to your house and break your feet

Cool that so many people don't believe in rehabilitation at all and apparently want all violent criminals either executed or eternally imprisoned.