
i’ll never understand why people pay for this shit. 

fuck you

cool story 

calm down you fuckin weirdo 

i tried to read this but my brain shut down as a defense mechanism 

well, Saints fans are very dumb you see

does Palpatine’s wife know?

you may have my thoughts but never my prayers 

Pitch Black is the only good Mountain Dew flavor 

you seem to have confused Bret Stephens and David Brooks, which is very understandable. but, terrifyingly, they are two separate entities 

it’s pretty fucking cool if you ask me 

Skyler Taggs

the music is very unsettling, i’ll give them that

but then how will the executives afford that 3rd yacht?

did you have a stroke while you were writing this?

“how to give yourself to big brother more effectively”

so Spore but more frustrating?

amazing that he hasn’t changed at all in the last 15 years 

oh cool, i thought this whole comment section was going to be the usual jalopniks shitting all over working people. for some reason nearly the whole commenter base here is full of dudes that think if you don’t have six figures in the bank you’re a bad person so it’s nice to see someone with a soul here 

a new writer? i hope you’re not the ‘stick to sports’ kind