
What does it say about my sad, cynical heart that I immediately thought, “Oh God—they’re going to break up, aren’t they?”

Don’t jinx it!

Hey she has a bumper sticker that says “Choose Life.” Isn’t that enough support?

it’s so none of your business what any woman decides to do with her body.

What about the woman who was already planning on getting an abortion, but now her whole livelihood is underwater and she barely has enough money to rebuild her own life for the ground up. You really think it’s in her and the unborn baby’s best interest for her to suddenly change her mind about the abortion now that’s

I don’t think it’s cool to use a random picture for this. Now this girl is going to have to tell people that she’s not getting an abortion. Why not just use a picture with the water and no people?

So you think that a woman who did not intend to be pregnant in the first place, then just lost her home, her job, and all of her possessions, should let the non-sentient clump of cells inside of her become a person that she can not feed and doesn’t want? You don’t seem to realize that the vast majority of abortions

It’s amazing how much love people project onto an embryo inside a woman’s body (as long as she doesn’t want it there) and how much disdain they’ll give an actual grown human person.

You mean the clumps of cells that weigh about a much as three nickels and are growing in someone else’s body? They don’t “want” anything. They can’t want anything any more than the tip of your finger can want anything.

They only have to be born before the Republicans will start to call them an inconvenient burden.

Here’s a thought. Get behind early sex education, free and abundant birth control, and plenty of low cost child care.


I love her so much. She’s incredibly talented and is such a positive presence in my otherwise mostly depressing Twitter feed. It’s so wonderful to see she is using her clout to develop projects that will give opportunities to other Latino actors and writers, but honestly it doesn’t surprise me at all. She’s good

Hey Governor, you want to protect the health, welfare and lives of the women of Kentucky? Resign and get the fuck out of Kentucky.

Love that Bangles concert. I recorded it off MTV many moons ago, and nearly wore out the VHS tape. Was thrilled to see it on YouTube.

Billie Lourd’s character was the only thing I found intriguing. I may watch a few more episodes just to see how her character plays out.

It was soooo bad. I love Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters but eww, this was horrible.

I dunno. Five minutes of reliving election night was the fucking most terrified I’ve been in awhile...

1. I like Katie and Jamie together. She seems kind of shy and quiet and he seems outgoing and loud (in a fun way), and I think they would compliment each other well.