You’re not a hypocrite, unless you think losing weight is bad in principle. It’s possible to hate on the show’s model (which SUCKS) and still want to lose weight the rational way.
You’re not a hypocrite, unless you think losing weight is bad in principle. It’s possible to hate on the show’s model (which SUCKS) and still want to lose weight the rational way.
Finally, goddamn. The only shame is that it was cancelled over a dispute, and not because someone had a come-to-jesus moment and realized this entire premise is deeply fucked up.
I saw this show once and it fucking disgusted me.
It is one of my great shames in life that I did not appreciate my parents as a teen. They were poor and not highly educated and I was an absolute shit to them even though they did what they could. Joanna, you may be ashamed of wanting to bang an ersatz father, but you were a better person than I.
I love this. When I was a teenager, I would pretend I had an audience. I would write something or have a conversation with myself and imagine someone could see/hear. I think it was my way of dealing with those feelings of isolation that most teenagers have. This just reminded me of that part of myself. Teen feelings!
Dude is a low life, so no surprise he’s in the sock game. The sock game is one of the most brutal industries, right up there with the drug game. A single misstep could have you wearing a toe tag.
I feel like TJ Miller will be in this too.
Also, Ashton Kutcher isn’t exactly a noted scholar.
Besides, one would have to be an exceptional idiot to cheat on Mila Kunis.
“What is happening to my body right now? Did I just say...‘Don’t leave’? All this is new for me,” Jay-Z reflects.
This entire administration is absolutely terrified of women. Can you imagine living in fear of 51% of the population?
Oh, man, if I ever won the lotto, I would keep that shit a motherfucking SECRET. I hope girlfriend gets some good advice and follows it. Big checks can ruin your life.
leaving your bedroom, i suspect.
When I was 19 I got two STDs in one week. Where is my parade?
i worry she’ll be struck by lightning.