I can respect that.
I can respect that.
You, sir, are my hero. Stouts are the best, bar none. Anyone who says otherwise has had their tastebuds irreparably damaged by the over-hopped IPAs that all the kids are drinking nowadays.
Thank you for explaining the joke for future readers/possible commenters. It is much appreciated.
Between last night's Bulls victory and this trade, things are coming up Chicago!
Well played, good sir. Well played.
Forget looking like Ellen. When did Simmons turn into an actual ventriloquist's dummy?
If I had a mustache like that, I'd wear a t-shirt advertising my shame, too.
That's in Beverly, though, which is basically the most "north side" neighborhood south of Cermak. That still may not mean all that much, but hey, it's a start.
At 1:09 a.m. Tuesday, a woman told police that after she pulled into her driveway a man who she didn't recognize and was later identified as Janes chased her into her house, banged on her door, yelled obscenities and threatened her husband....
Horton Hears a Hick
Flores went on the Sedano and Stink radio show tonight and mostly tried to downplay the "beef," explaining that it was simply a low-hanging joke that was "all in good fun," and that the two are obviously not going to fight.
"1-2-3 ... six weeks!"
[I]n almost all cases in which you are not Skyping with your goldang hipster grandchildren with their dadgum Intendo Whees and hippity-hop or whatever...
Rosenbloom column in The Trib, postulating that the spelling of Teuvo's name foretells doom for the Hawk's season, coming in 3, 2, 1 ....
Jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes!
"There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."
Well, someone is having their tongue ripped out today.
I like this tactic; it kind of makes criticizing officials' calls a group exercise in that it forces people to look at the tape, instead of just listening to gripes from a coach or manager. I hope coaches, managers, and players in other sports adopt it.