
That was my assumption to, and why I went ahead with posting my reply. My daughter’s biological father has tattoos with her picture/name. He tells everyone he meets about his amazing, perfect daughter. He never, ever mentions the fact that he goes years without seeing or even calling her. People who know him have no

I definitely can’t have kids right at this moment because I’m trying to follow my dreams and (a bit selfishly) not ready to be financially stable for a child currently.

Since he always refers to her as his fantastic daughter, I’m going to say he has limited interaction with her in real life. Using superlatives and flowery language is supposed to make up for the distance.

I’m curious about your actual relationship with your daughter... I don’t see it mentioned, so unless I missed something, I’d like to know if you speak to her, see her, or do anything to maintain a relationship with her.

I have a child, now 18, and did not get any kind of financial support from her father. We were very

Pro Tip: Wear Condoms

Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

I mean, it’s silly really. People on this site have to realize that a sizable number of us are over 30.

There’s a throw away moment in the movie Election when Broderick moves to NY and it cuts to him in this shitty apartment where kitchen/bed/bath are in one room and then flashes that the rent is something like $1,500. It is clearly supposed to be a funny gag (and it is) — but I saw it in Manhattan and everyone just

And your assumption that your spin on this is somehow more accurate is even more hilarious. Women aren't seeking men to give them "a nice lifestyle", they're seeking men who can support themselves and won't be a financial and emotional drain to them. Refusing to date an unemployed person with no intention of bettering

It could have something to do with income inequality as well.

A stay at home spouse is not un-employed. They're employed in the home. Un-employed means not working anywhere at all at anything. Un-employed implies you would be doing the bread-winning and the cooking, cleaning, gardening, home maintenance, errands, and child-rearing too. I don't think many people would sign on for

Yeah sorry, but it is all about appearance. This is all about appearance. Whenever a heavy man is with a hot woman, you can almost guarantee her looks are the reason that relationship exists. This does not make men evil or anything, but it does show how men do not play fair. If most women could care less about a

A stay at home spouse is not the same as being un-employed. If you're working in the home, you're still working. Same with charity work or volunteering. The only way I'd see it as "okay" for one person to be unemployed, not-a-house-spouse, or charity volunteer would be if they had some illness that rendered them

What about them? I love when men bring up non-working wives like that's a reason that no woman is allowed to not want a deadbeat. The OP wasn't requiring support from a man or saying that men should carry wives instead, so why should the unrelated fact of some random men "carrying" wives have any bearing on her life

The problem is that young boys are socialized in a "boys will be boys" way and young girls are socialized to be "good girls." One praises obedience and planning while the other elevates bad behavior as some inherent trait of the independent male spirit. This is why girls do better in school, apply to college, often

I dated an unemployed guy once. He lived with his dad, and didn't have a car or a driver's license. It was a lot like dating a child.

I'm pretty sure she addressed that by mentioning the cooking and other domestic contributions unemployed women are more likely to make than unemployed men in a relationship, keep up.

I always thought that, for the first few dates at least, the one who makes the date is the one who pays for the date.

I see this more as the response/echoing the disadvantage women have already. If women feel insecure in their job (that they would be first to be fired when times go rough), and they know that society is structured in such a way that wants to keep men in work more than woman (think places that don't want to hire young