
I've had a great experience switching over to Fever —> http://feedafever.com/ (self hosted), and https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.phfactor.meltdown for Android. The Android app is open source by the way: https://github.com/phubbard/Meltdown

That's never a good sign ... they just mysteriously signed me into someone else's account.

Carbon is just UI fluff. Falcon Pro has more features, and also seems to be just as fast.

We need more honest and up front devs like you. :)

At least they are honest — but yeah ...sorry, not going to be my solution either at this point.

I still swear by https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.shiftyjelly.pocketcasts — if nothing else but for the variable speed playback.

Their site/system seems to be struggling mightily right now.

Also was eating up 50MB of RAM on my Galaxy Nexus. Uninstalled for the time being. Waiting for a few updates — including the option to hide the annoying notification area icon.

Not a chance in hell I'd buy any Twitter app for $20 — Tweetdeck is just fine and free. I love me some Tweetbot, but that is just ridiculous.

" Cream doesn't sync with Reader" ...just lost me right there unfortunately. Need to keep things in sync.

Good luck with that Apple. The case is going to get thrown out anyway. Have you heard any of the BS coming from the jurors? They had no idea what they were doing — like awarding damages for a device they clearly stated never infringed.

Vote: Hover

God I hope this means iTunes on Windows will suck less.

Apple must be in a hurry because it sounds like the verdict will be thrown out most likely any way — http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2012082510525390

Hopefully Google — 1st party — adds this to the real app soon.

they've promised Android and Windows support as well. Looking forward to both of those happening in the coming months.

Vote: Chrome hands down.

CrashPlan unlimited plan for $50/yr — it'll take a very long time and you'll probably want to verify with them that 10TB is fine ...but it might work. Otherwise, yeah — delete some of that crap dude. I did the same thing years ago, I had 8TB of "files" ...now I'm down to the 1TB that actually matters to me.

Microsoft gave up on the Zune too early, didn't push hard enough at the launch, and was too late to the party. The actual hardware/software for the Zune HD is wonderful though. Much better sound quality than any iPod/iPhone can manage too.