Cunning Linguist
Cunning Linguist
The Kennedys? Moral rudder? Did you really just imply that? Or that the Kennedys...lasted. The only one of note who made it past 50 never achieved “statesman” status...but he was apparently a hell of a swimmer at least.
You do realize that individualism, for all its flaws, is a vastly superior ideology when compared to collectivism right? It’s a founding princpal of the American system of government and allows for personal choice and personal freedom free from a collectivist dogma and top down command political/economic system.
Fake news like Bennet’s fake story about LVPD? Oh ok...just checking.
Ad hominem attacks usually aren’t hallmarks of the “highly intelligent”. Kudos, however, for confirming liberal “tolerance” exists only for those who agree with you and by trying to co-opt the language of the sensitive SJWs for your own cause. You taking “safe-spaces” back, Randall?
Hypocrisy is a shit stain on the life’s thong my man...apologies if you think i assumed your gender. Not being a dick...merely bringing attention to the fact that you lit up Revengencer for calling out the limp dicked writing publicly...rather than do so privately. Wait...i read something like that before...hang…
If one can’t handle the criticism perhaps they should seek employment elsewhere. I figured you would understand that with the childlike “don’t like it don’t read it” logic. Nevermind the fact that one can’t offer criticism until they’ve read it. A for effort on taking up the cross on behalf of all persecuted internet…
Article is still wrong. The jets aren’t even can’t repossess something that never left your possession. It’s transparent that the article’s whole point is less about informing Americans on cost savings efforts and more about making Trump and, by connection, the USAF cheap, shady and shoddy.
These jets were never property of any Russian company or entity. That is the entire point of the criticism. The Russian company never owned them or even took delivery, i.e. they never left Boeing’s possession. Your frothing at the mouth rage is entirely misdirected and flat out wrong. Nice try though.
This had to have ended up in the parking lot right? Stabbed and struck with a rubber mallet? I’ve seen some weird stuff at FNM but damn. I get that the game is basically an arms the players will be in one as well for self defense. Two white and two colorless for a bulletproof vest.
Sounds like you’d be good chairing a death panel.
When in doubt definitely trust Rolling Stone.
Privilege. Congrats on the eye-roll inducing word of the month. But you keep up the good fight, social justice warrior. No doubt the digital space will soon be safe with you on the job.
Its not privilege to ask someone to turn music down. Its not privilege to expect the law to be followed. Jesus. This is why the words “racist” and “privilege” induce nothing but an eye-roll now. Congrats.
Then why do liberals try and normalize Islam’s abhorrent behavior?
The difference is that you can reasonably believe Christians won’t try and kill you of you did that. Muslims...not so much.
Good luck sand blasting Stone Mountain.
Those evil statues...they just ruin my day. your life appreciably better with their removal? What’s next? Book burnings because Adventures of Huck Finn has “offensive language”? I’d love to have a life where my greatest singular obstacle was a statue. Must be nice.
Outrage be outraging today. The two black executive producers are, according to their own words, super excited about the project. Gotta love how their existence in relation to the project is buried in the article. Keep fanning the flames of division though. Though I have a question for the author since it was brought…
Funny how everyone is upset a white woman dared move to Harlem (has been undergoing neighborhood changes since Clinton put his law offices there) and had the gall to expect laws to be enforced. I seem to remember something about a civil rights act in 1968 that targeted housing discrimination...huh...nice to see…