Does anyone ever wonder what Eli Gold’s emails would look like?
Does anyone ever wonder what Eli Gold’s emails would look like?
Mitigation of damages happens after the harm/injury takes place, not before. The classic example: If a tenant breaks their lease, you’re required to use reasonable effort to find a new tenant for the space. If you don’t, you can’t claim the damages for the future rent lost as a result of the tenant breaking their…
As a lawyer, this is actually a pretty reasonable defense. his crime was terrible and motivated by hate, yes, but it’s fair to say hey, he prevented you from working in that space for a time, but not indefinitely. the doctor could have restored the premises (with insurance proceeds - I see nothing in the article that…
Our lil Daphne loves her Scooby-Doo.
And back then the actresses and actors were contracted with the studio to do a certain number of films, maybe she had no choice.
The demanding the reasons why is sales training 101 where they teach you to never take no for an answer. They say no, you demand to know why so that you can endlessly offer rebuttals and hopefully eventually wear them down into resignedly saying yes so that you will shut up. Not exactly the best start to a…
That was the key line for me. Holding a conversation is not “weight of the world on your shoulders” worthy, unless you think other people are for catering to you.
As another fellow Bernie Bro, I’m pretty sure that guy is just a reject from /pol/ trollying.
Nationwide, the breakdown of Uber driver’s is:
You misunderstand how email works. They are suggesting she used some POP style email client, which doesn’t just access a server and read the email on demand, but it actually downloads a copy of all of your emails to your local drive. Take Outlook (when not being used with an Exchange server, or possibly with one, but…
I really hope I’m laughing at myself on Nov 9th... “what the fuck was i so worried about?!!?”
Going to go back through the comments section on nov 9th just to laugh at all the “omg it’s the apocalypse trump is totes gonna win now!!!” comments and laugh. If I’m wrong, someone can do the same to me, but considering millions of people have already voted I don’t see this changing shit.
Omg no, this is not about Bernie. The DNC did not steal the election from him. It wasn’t rigged in favor of Bernie & it’s not rigged in favor of Trump. Just no with the conspiracies.
Do you know how statistics work? 5% is hardly a significant increase. Especially on short trips where the variance is going to be very high.
Right. And if its just a syncing thing, the only way these emails are different at all from the emails on her other devices she already handed over is if she had a secret plan of “conduct all nefarious scandal related business on my husband’s laptop!”
Why? Racism/sexism is racism/sexism. Doesn’t matter who’s doing it.
I agree to an extent. If you want to make that point, it certainly changes the tone of the article, which is “group A is beating up against group B.”
Incorrect. It does not matter WHO is doing the discriminating, whether the drivers are women, white people, or people of color. The result is the same: riders are being discriminated against. It doesn’t make it somehow ‘okay’ if a black driver discriminates against black riders.
Or, if you apply it the way the article says it actually takes place, it’s an extra up to 4 miles for enough women to skew the entire data set 5%.
If you’d read the article instead of cherry picking, you’d see that the 5% isn’t spread evenly across all the rides, but rather is from “a few bad actors” who literally take women for a ride, up to five times as long. Wow! 500%! That’s a lot!