Juan Carcelen

The one situation where a smartphone is better in comparison to dedicated cameras is portability, always having it with you.

not trying to be a pedantic but IR is light...just not visible light to the human eye. Also the light projected by the ‘dot projector’ would still need to be interpreted by the camera which would be the main piece of equipment that determines the effectiveness in low light or blinding sunshine.

It would be better to

(S)he occasionally has to wear a mask...

What if you are a brilliant rocket scientist/pirate/time-traveling cowboy on the cusp of celebrity and you had to jot down your very own pearl of wisdom in lieu of a hotel tip? What would it say?

I don’t know if my dog understands my emotional state, but she gets very concerned and tries to crawl into my lap and snuggle if I start crying. It feels like she’s trying to comfort me, although that may very well be me anthropomorphizing her. It is behavior unique to that situation, though. She only behaves that way

Trump is looking at a particular ilk of aliens, as he plainly lets us all know.

I Kinja’ed about this in another article about Discovery. Non-serialized TV was mostly a necessity back before Netflix and DVRs. Back then, if you missed an episode, you missed it. At least until it showed up again in a summer re-run or in syndication. Sure, VCRs have been a thing for a lot longer, but you had to

“Don’t worry Matt, what makes the wall effective are [things that aren’t the wall].”

Look, you and I do this everyday, but out there, are multitudes of people who would call us gods...

Thirty goddamn meters. Obviously the Concorde was fueled with Viagra.

BUGGER! I proof read that before posting.

If I was to fly around in a thin, expensive, thirsty metal can, I might as well be refreshed at the same time.

Not glut. Survival. Polar bears need to store a crapton of calories as fat to make it through the winter.

Polar bears seek out whale carcasses as they’re a great source of fat and, if found, are sure things (ie. no hunting, not moving, ready to eat).

I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen ice.

My guess is they fall off of the car at different times?