Juan Carcelen

I had a girlfriend that got it in her head that she wanted one of these as a pet quite a few years ago. She also had some sort of memory block on the name “Capybara”and would constantly ask me what they were called. One day, I substituted “Chupacabra”; she didn’t have a problem remembering that name.

So yeah, in

This kind of thing just mystifies me. I grew up in the ‘50s and was an avid photographer. I spent my entire allowance on a crappy little box camera with a plastic lens, and developing services at the drugstore.

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

One of my greatest sources of frustrations about human prejudice.

Believe it or not, those were one of the best selling cars in my little third world country, we used these little fuckers for everything, from rallying to shopping, the whole family fits in there somehow. Oh the memories in the little uncle’s Suzuki “Forsa” (That’s the name we used for it)

It could be fake. It could be real. A lot of people say it’s real. I don’t know. If you don’t see it a the exact moment, you can’t say for sure. No one really knows if this is fake or not.

The whole “only 1 in stock” for each actually does make this pretty exclusive and moderately art-y.

There’s probably a nope.jpg one too.

68 year old grandmother daily drives a Raptor, jumps it, nails landing in a swimming pool.

Good on them.

Every kid from the ‘70s understands the principles of gyroscopic stability thanks to Evel Knievel.

Best of luck in your further adventures!

I’m kind of surprised that Apple let this photo get out. They typically have a creationist type view on their products and want customers to think the product just appeared over night.

Is all this going to lead to a reveal that Musk is somewhere fucking a hole in the floor?

Ummm... Putting aside their stupidness, considering their design, why not just charge themselves...

“Bluetooth-enabled fidget spinner”