
It's certainly no Harrogate.

It's alright, you still get an upvote.

More like Jack Reacharound, amirite?

I guess I'm using the word "cartoon" as shorthand for something other than "character from a comic book." Maybe I should have said "cartoonish"?

This is always the response. So there's no limit to how contrived and silly something can get because it's based on a comic book? That this show is derived from a comic book is not an excuse for shitty, lazy writing.

Those walnuts are tearing through the hay!

Neither drawn to Diamondback nor terrified by him. He's a frickin cartoon.

I watched this live when it aired. I was 11. I remember having to walk a friend home afterwards and we were terrified of every little thing we saw in the dark. I think we both suspected it wasn't real but that didn't stop us damn-near soiling ourselves.

Kebert Xela! Kebert Xela! Kebert Xela!

Nope. My 3-year old asked to be Rey for Halloween and it made my year.

I haven't watched this show in a while. Is Barry's main strategy to deal with villains still to run up to them and tell them "it's over"?

Hey, if you're famous enough you can just punch them in the dick and get away with it.

Yeah, but it would be Trump viscera, and let's face it - none of us want those.

I would see a doctor about your "metropolitan area."

Your days must be long.

Wow, he has a whole complex just for heroes to live in? What a guy!

Hey, would-be terrorists! See how great it is when you blow people up? You get a movie made about you! Now everyone will remember you forever, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT WAIT WHY ARE WE GIVING IT TO YOU.

dems fighting words

Spoiler: they're ALL Randy Quaid.

4436364. That Chinese stringed instrument that is incapable of sounding like anything other than two cats murdering each other in a sack.