
I'm sure he's been waiting all three months of his life to hear that.

Even after they comically slipped on the ice? THAT'S HOW PEOPLE FALL IN LOVE.

No, it was Derbel McDillet

> the rise of reality television has taught a generation the importance of self-mythologizing by staying calm, cautious, and self-aware in front of cameras.

Elastically launching red-headed moppet in 3…2…

Elastically launching red-headed moppet in 3…2…

Srsly. Give me an investment where I can more than double my money within a couple of years and I'll say 'SOLD'!

Srsly. Give me an investment where I can more than double my money within a couple of years and I'll say 'SOLD'!





Agreed that this was a better episode than those of late, but both major plots were horribly contrived.

Agreed that this was a better episode than those of late, but both major plots were horribly contrived.

You said it, buddy. How anyone can look at that and merely say "but that guy's hair is weird!" is beyond me.

You said it, buddy. How anyone can look at that and merely say "but that guy's hair is weird!" is beyond me.

Oh, okay, if you say so. Although, I'm super impressed you could come up with such a great pun in such a short time frame.

Oh, okay, if you say so. Although, I'm super impressed you could come up with such a great pun in such a short time frame.

My wife and I just completed watching all five seasons. My second run-through, her first. We both cried like little girls for basically the entirety of "Sleeping in Light".

My wife and I just completed watching all five seasons. My second run-through, her first. We both cried like little girls for basically the entirety of "Sleeping in Light".