Cousin Bleh

A fake news site denied climate change. You'll never believe what happened next!

Waffle House will do that to you.

LOL, I always appreciate a solid Brian Froud reference.

That seemed odd to me too. Wiki says he left the States because the judge was going to sentence him to 50 years.

Vince Vaughn has locked himself in a safehouse.

Between bone marrow tests and not being able to poop for 10 days, it is the worst thing ever.

I finished chemo last year and thought things were really looking up.

Not to diminish the people who died this year, but it seems like the rise of social media and the breadth of popular culture simply means celebrity deaths are going to feel increasingly more frequent and monumental.

Fair enough. It still feels like we were more invested in a rendezvous point rather than the planet itself, since we never saw it or knew anything about it.

You know, I just watched Revenge of the Sith again… the prequels were on TBS or something over Thanksgiving. When Anakin is lying there minus most of his limbs and he catches on fire, Obi-Wan wanders away instead of finishing him off and ending his misery. That is cold.

I think Darth Maul has better potential for a stand-alone movie… though they'd probably give him some shitty father-son conflict that would feel redundant.

It, like my baby's daddy, was gone too soon.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is kinda Gary Stu, no? They're going to have to give him some flaws to make a movie about him interesting.

Darth Maul though.

I don't disagree that the cut-away shot to the planet destroyed in TFA was silly and tedious.

21 Pilots are the Limp Bizkit of today.

"The flute is a heavy, metal instrument."

Best New Artist has always been weird like that. The Grammy's define it as "the first recording that establishes the public identity of that artist" which is really subjective and just shows how out of touch the Grammy's are.

At one point he called Disney "white slavers."

I believe he called it "too retro," which is valid.