
For 10) Doc buys a Delorean, I actually do kind of like imagining that Doc was actually quoting the pitch used by the salesman who sold him the Delorean, when he responded to Marty’s question regarding his decision to go with the brand, and said “the way I see it, if you’re gonna build a time machine into a car, why

If you’re going to use a baseball, strikeout analogy to say that someone had three failures, you probably shouldn’t also use a word that’s commonly used for “home run”(“bomb”).

Oh, yeah. Warner Brothers - well, technically Time Warner - is the parent company, and owner of just about everything, including fictional, faulty weapons and giant slingshots. (Unless you meant “real,” as in “still around” - due to their defective, and very dangerous, products killing everyone; but that’s simple:

To be fair, one of the issues people have with remakes is how they’re often done while the previous films (including our beloved “friendly neighborhood”...ahemm...characters) are still “fresh” - so you have to at least hand it to Disney for going 60, 77 and 65 years before making Alice in Wonderland, Maleficent and Cin

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Them helping it walk down the street makes him feel like a giant E.T. Mainly because it specifically reminds me of this scene - which is especially apt for a couple of reasons:

Did Stoll appear to be an actual fan of comics as you spoke to him? (I tend to assume that the actors - and to be fair, they are ultimately just actors taking a role - who are just saying they’re “fans” - which, again, they have to, regardless of the truth - usually address anything comics-related with any mixture of

Did anyone see the new Nova: “Chasing Pluto?” Was it good - and if you’ve seen both, better, worse, more informative than the National Geographic special?

No kidding. He had just won the Oscar for best actor (and over “shoe-in” - and at the time Oscar-less - Sean Penn, from Dead Man Walking). And though he had just made Con Air, that was still considered an exception at the time - whereas now it looks more like it was a sign of things to come.

Even though I only know of Jon Peters as “that guy who wanted more and more fights, including Superman fighting polar bears and giant spiders,” I was a little surprised at how much violence is, apparently, constantly rattling around in his brain, judging from his interview and admitted/bragged about actions during

So sooner or later, these characters have to end up taking part in the “Convergence” event, right? How long are they going to stay behind in the “Justice League” titles - are they going to ever? Or are they even in the same universe (is this the same Superman who eventually walks out with a buzz cut?) - and what would

I didn’t even think of the blowjob scene at first, but I think you’re right. (I was thinking they’d show up at his place - a total dump - for advice on equipment specs, or something, and he’d be single, a slob, and he’d ultimately locate a dusty proton pack under a pile of junk; and his buttcrack will probably

I always get this one mixed up - always thinking it’s Starman, with Jeff Bridges, or Enemy Mine (which probably has to do with the look of the aliens); they all came out within a year of each other too, I think.

I’m slightly confused by every part of Sharknado’s marketing: Just to be clear, their advertisement was hiring people to cosplay and walk around? What are “vinenadoes,” and a “singnadoes?” (I suppose I could make an educated guess, but I’m more curious since every relevant result in my search of the words came from

What’s going on? Screaming is physical activity; pizza sauce should count as a part of the “vegetable group” for school lunches...this mixture can’t end well (best case-scenario: they end up so out of shape, it’s too exhausting to scream anymore).

Other than that weird (and small) guy who follows Vaughn around, Blake (for now), and Jordan (for now), who is actually on Frank’s side, aka the power backing up his threats to...seemingly everybody?

One of the very few times you stop and think, “I’m using that some day.”

Given our tendency to generalize, categorize and label everything (how many “New/Next/Today’s Michael Jordan” have there been in the last 12 years, since - the last time - he retired), if “Ghostbusters” had an all-female cast in ‘84, and a new one made up entirely of males came out today, I’m almost positive we’d call

what’s the regular DC universe called (since “Flashpoint”, 52 (and after “Convergence”?))?

- Whedon explained what Twist was to you guys before announcing it at the panel? - and how’d you guys know ahead of time, that he had a superhero comic coming?

Didn’t WB (try to) do the same thing last year by making the BvS footage, with armored Batman looking up at Superman, exclusive only to Comic Con (except in that case, if I remember correctly, not decide to go ahead and officially release it after the leaks)? My question, is why do this at all? What do they gain from