
Maybe Thom Brady shouldn’t have cheated.

but as long as minorities are worse off and their reps are praisin’ Jaysus these idiots don’t care that their state is dying. 

Why does every WYTS have a Pats fan in the comments that somehow makes it about them?  Extra points for squeezing in the number of Super Bowls they have in the last several years.  WE KNOW DUDE, WE ALL KNOW, JUST LET US HAVE ONE FUCKING BLOG WHERE WE CAN FOCUS ON SOMEONE ELSE

Can’t wait till Swag Kelly takes over week 4, strings together 3 weeks of excellent games, then gets arrested for stealing condoms out of a high schooler’s Jeep in an Arby’s parking lot

In about three years the streaming services will be accessible through a streaming service streaming service that aggregates them all. Nobody will learn anything. 

God, that line at the end. Crying at my desk. Thank you for writing and publishing this.

My brother has already cancelled Netflix and Stan (Australian Hulu equivalent) and is back to pirate sites. They work just as well and have everything in one place, which was supposed to be the draw for Netflix. I happily paid for one service, even two, but this is ridiculous. A lot of what is on Netflix now is already

This goes back to the Sony v Disney saga and I am really glad that Sony is sticking to their guns on this one because it genuinely frightens me how same/same all Disney owned film and TV is and I really don't want it to become our new puritan overlord. I want my swears and my sexy sexes. I want my MA 15+

Man I am really no longer enjoying this game. Base building is so terrible now. Having wires everywhere and where you have to run those wires for like the teleporter make my base look real dumb.

Why even ask, if you already know?

Can we start using “Epstein” as a verb? Because I’m quite sure that Wolkoff revealing that she has kept records of all this shit is kind of risking to be Epsteined sooner or later...

What I find hilarious about this is that Conservatives used to always talk about how the free market was the solution to everything. But when people actually use the free market system to punish companies with bad views, suddenly they all get up in arms that liberals are actually doing what they said to do.

unfortunately if we stopped using things from companies who do bad things is that we would be naked, homeless, starving, diseased, and bored

There’s something awfully ironic about someone with the last name Cuccinelli being against something that welcomes immigrants at Ellis Island.

I hope his nona rises from the grave and beats his idiot ass with a wooden spoon.

So it sounds Bungie is changing some of the mechanics of auto reloads. Lunafactions, Titan Barriers, etc.

Changing the words on a the most iconic statue in America. Words that were cast into bronze and mounted on the statue over a hundred years ago: Just fine!

Not only that, but the taxes they pay support benefits they themselves can’t claim.

Would those include semi-literate chambermaids with limited English skills and just $750* from the Scottish Isles**? Or Bavarian draft-dodgers running from the Prussians with little more than the clothes on their back?

To be clear, most people who aren’t at least permanent residents are categorically ineligible to receive public benefits anyway (with the exception of asylees and refugees, to whom the new rule doesn’t apply anyway)- but their U.S.-born children aren’t. So look forward to a generation of U.S. citizens growing up in

All of their crocodile tears will be meaningless when crocodiles are extinct.