Well, that’s one thing to say. But I’d like to quote a review of Stellaris that nailed that game for me “It’s boring, but it’s a Grand Strategy game, so it took me 40 hours to figure out that it’s boring.”
Well, that’s one thing to say. But I’d like to quote a review of Stellaris that nailed that game for me “It’s boring, but it’s a Grand Strategy game, so it took me 40 hours to figure out that it’s boring.”
I think it’s rather silly and shortsighted to slight someone for giving a negative review to a game while having this many hours on record playing it. There are a variety of reasons why, so I’ll try to get through them quickly:
Jim McElwain: putting the “poon” in “harpoon”
He didn’t commit suicide. He murdered himself for the money. I’m... wow.
It does pay...in spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you…
No... They just said to not bring LSU or their logos into it. They completely support the right to protest.
Uh... Being St. Louis I don’t think it was white people who were shooting...
how did this dumb shit get out ofthe greys?
Sounds like someone saw the chance for free media and took it. Time for that campaign for circuit judge.
Oh for fucks sake Charlie Strong is one of the few people in college football who doesn’t seem like the scum of the earth. One who actually takes the idea of helping players grow as individuals seriously. This is a judge in Florida. If Strong is the first thing out of south Florida to have caused you shame, either…
IANAL... is it normal (and appropriate?) for a judge to be chewing somebody out like this who has, for the moment, only been accused of a crime?
It’s good that Judge Taylor (who was apparently addressing Coach Strong as if he were actually present in the courtroom and has players not recruited by him under 24-hour surveillance and wearing magnetic boots on a metal floor to lock them into place) lives in a place where having a USF diploma has caused her no…
Strong just got there. He hasn’t coached a single game nor has he recruited a single player there. All he can do is kick players off the team after they do something wrong. He hasn’t been there long enough to establish a culture.
Were these his recruits? Does the judge expect him to assume every player recruited by a previous staff is a criminal-in-waiting and just shitcan them all when he walks in the door?
Charlie Strong isn’t controlling enough? We’re talking about the same Charlie Strong, right? The Charlie Strong who kicked out seemingly half of UT’s playerbase for disciplinary reasons? That one?
You’re confusing criticism of the fawning discourse around Tebow with criticism of the man himself.
To be fair, those stigmata wounds in his hands open easily.
Why are these self entitled nerds upset that huge names like Pepsi and Coke don’t want their ads to be associated with their videos? Ethan and Hila bitch about it often, but the dude makes so many sexual and offensive jokes and expects a behemoth like Pepsi to care about his ad revenue? These people are hilarious.…
I’m going to be an asshole for saying this ...
On the other hand, he decided to pin his family’s source of revenue to an unpredictable and changing platform that he has no control over. It was a risky maneuver that did not pan out. Vlogging as a primary method of making a living is about as sensible as investing in Beanie Babies.