
I wish we could drill into some of you peoples heads to READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE. The lady is not being charged for having an abortion. She started a fucking fight, the person she attacked shot her, and she lost her baby. She is now being charged for the part she played in this situation. She is being charged

Didn’t click that link huh? Cause that was in Arkansas. Not Bama. And the women in said linked article gave birth to dead twins, but instead of calling paramedics or anything, she quietly had the babies in her home staying quiet so the other 9 people she lived with didn’t know, then took the bodies, shoved them in a

That disgusting law hasn’t taken effect yet. Jesus, read the fucking article...

So much ignorance too. I guess they all need to walk a mile in Ebony’s shoes before they can understand that maybe she did have to shoot her. I don’t know honestly. But she didn’t start that fight based on the info we have, so she had every right to defend herself. Shrug. Please, educate yourselves people. You sound

Hold on, you were there? I had no idea! You should get over to the courthouse and let the prosecutors know of this evidence immediately then!

Ok, now think about it like a sane person. Someone attacks YOU. You fear for your life during the course of that fight. You have a gun, and manage to save yourself by using that gun. You cool going to jail though right? Right? 

Um, you do know democrats are doing the same types of gerrymandering tactics right? Most recently, they were part of the decision the supreme court handed down today as they were the focus of the gerrymandering in Maryland.. Not conservatives. I’m not conservative at all either. Just educating.

For this? Seems like a sane and reasonable conclusion to what is alleged to have taken place in the article. Based on the information we have been given, she deserves to be charged in the death of her unborn child. SHE STARTED THE FIGHT. Jesus, you people really need to read the articles...

No, they are probably saying the lady shouldn’t be starting fights, while pregnant, and that it sucks she lost her baby but she definitely deserves some of the blame for her baby being dead. SINCE SHE STARTED THE FIGHT.

OK I’ll explain it correctly, not like a nutbag like most of the commenters here.

Please get more education. Please. Your heart seems to be in the right place, but your outrage is seriously misplaced... 

What? The law being reasonable for once? Cause this has nothing to do with that shitty law alabama just passed fyi. Since it seems you didn’t read the article and went right to the outrage.

Hold on, but it’s ok for you to do it? LMAO

Um, California is in more debt than a LOT of countries on this planet. Sorry, the US is propping you guys up more than any southern state... Just FYI. 

What? She started a fight. It led to her getting shot, and losing her baby. The other lady didn’t start the fight. Sorry, If I go to rob a bank and someone gets show by someone else because I’m robbing that bank, I would get charged for that murder. This is the same as this case. It’s not stupidity. It’s the law, and

For doing their job correctly? Sorry, go be outraged about something that actually deserves for you to be outraged about. The lady started the fight, she bares responsibility for the outcome of those actions. Sure, the women probably didn’t need to shoot her, but she had every right to once she was attacked first.

Yes, she will get an attorney if she cannot afford one. Not sure where you heard that, but it is not the case. 

I’m sorry, I hate the system as much as anyone. But in this case the law is right and the lady got what she should’ve gotten so far. She started the fight. She does share blame for what ultimately happened to her unborn baby. Sorry, but that’s a fact. 

She started a fight. She got the consequences of starting that fight. Sorry she lost her baby, but she STARTED the fight. Sometimes actions have negative consequences...

The abortion law is about punishing women for being women. I agree. But this article has nothing to do with that abortion law. It hasn’t even taken effect yet...