
@MrGone1980: If I were to wager a bet, I'd say that the majority of Live subscriptions are sold at retail price.

So if this is true...how will Google react?

@tsantsa: How can the PSN not hold a candle to Live? With the exception of Live's better chatting options, the PSN does a remarkable job without the "hidden fees" (i.e. there are cases out there who buy the console and don't know that it costs money to play online).

@Manly McBeeferton: I must have been imagining playing my PS2 games on my PS3 for the past 4.5 years.

C'mon...at least use the phrase "root the system" instead of "jailbreak".

@tsantsa: How much do expect Sony to offer for FREE?

Although it was the PS1 era, I think Mega Man Legends 1 & 2 need a remastering.

Sennheiser or nothing.

@Chernobyl: Radiohead's In Rainbows says otherwise.

My number one rule for gift giving is functionality, that is, will the person be able to USE this gift (it's also the same rule I tell people to follow should they want to buy a gift for me).

Every subsequent year since launch has been very good for the PS3.

The Cockamouse?

This is what I want to take me home tonight!

Who cares how fast the car is if you 1) Baby it, and 2) Never take it over the limit.

I dunno if people remember, but Apple is still very much a niche competitor in the PC market.

Do we all have the same definition of what a bro is? Any SoCal native will tell you bros drive lifted American trucks.

@Toshi: A lot of schools have an interlibrary loan system, in which you are able to request books from other campuses or schools through your own library system.