
My friend doesn’t understand why people donate money to streamers. I explained to him that it’s like tipping a waitress. They are providing a service to you and you thank them monetarily. The service in question here is both watching them play a game that interests you and/or tuning in for their personality.

Good response, however, once again, fucking identity politics in the mix.

I know it’s uncool to do anything but hate CAD, but here we are. Some of the recent Zelda comics have been decent.

Hi Heather, although I see where you’re coming from let me tell you how I experimented this very same scene.

The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

Honestly? I played the game in thirds, then came back to it after completing entire other games. Whenever I petered out, I just gave it a few months before I went back to it. Took me nine months in all, probably only three of which I was actually playing the game during.

Nor do I, and I’m a LOT more inclined to this feeling after the Extended Cut.