
I guess my question is why is there a race category on a red light ticket? If there is an option for Not Applicable then it sounds like we can drop the category all together.

It’s funny you mention the snowflake thing. Seeing how many Boomer and Gen X politicians freak out at the existence of gay people and, gasp, independent women, they might be the real snowflakes there.

The new Macan has something that’s closing in on that where it divides it’s 800V pack in two 400V somehow when plugged into a 400V charger. So not really this, but maybe a step in that direction.

Even 75F and 50% humidity is horrible, especially for someone whose lungs were destroyed by pneumonia. Humidity over ~40% pretty much means dead brain cells because my lungs can’t deal with that much moisture and oxygenate the blood normally.

Don’t kink shame, bro.

Permanently barred and five years are two different things.

I usually call them fender skirts too, but I’ve always thought wheel spats was the more correct term. Maybe not!

Meh, two trips to Iraq and one to Afghanistan, I might just keep sitting until the next commercial, dear. But I do miss back in the day when people started from a place of kindness and respect before they started running their sucks, at least until they had some actual reason to think that the particular person they

You’re asking what a guy who’s been a UAW member for nearly 30 years knows about the auto industry? Seriously? He didn’t step off a bus and immediately get elected UAW president. 

Masks been off for awhile now. Never going to buy one of those 1488 mobiles.

This is a great idea, but I honestly think if it went to market it would have been a failure. Jeep people are *Wrangler* people, used CJ and YJ were abundant and the profit margins would have been miniscule. There was no need or even market position for a sub-YJ sized off roader that wouldn’t have sold well under the

Oh man, that is seriously one of my dream vehicles, and as far as I’m concerned, one of the best looking vehicles ever made -Citroens, Mercedes and Porsches be damned.

In fairness to the Smart, the only place anyone ever saw “ED” was in publications or in forums. In official documentation and on the car itself it always read “Electric Drive.” With that said, Smart USA did a terrible job with marketing, so I’m not sure most Americans even knew there was an electric Smart. EDs were

Vote. Vote like you’d like the opportunity to vote again in 2028.

I knew a guy that claimed that you had to work an extra week before you took a week off and an extra week when you got back. It does feel like that.

So wrong, yet so right.

Apparently almost as hard as scrolling down the whole political article and making a comment complaining that it exists

It would be irrelevant if she wasn’t so high and mighty about “Christian morality,” but the hypocrisy makes it relevant.

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