
Yeah that seems likely.

Had they simply made a more conventional truck they would have done much better, 

It was definitely his high water mark.  I consider Sicario more Denis's project but that's high quality as well.  

Whose opinion is this? Is this the opinion of Black people that you’ve spoken to? Because as a Black person, I think you might have misunderstood some things. It is ALWAYS the right time for white people to speak out against racism. They’re the ones who built this fucked up racist system we’re all living in. It is

you can get a plane ticket from anywhere between 20 - 90$, although since you can bring your own car, you might save on the rental

Capricorn One is my pick for most underrated movie.

Aw, man. I always wanted to write a story where the moon landing was faked alongside the real one as a backup in case the genuine mission failed. I wouldn’t have written it as a romantic comedy, though; my idea was it plays out as a thriller, with some B-roll of the filming surfacing decades later, and some secret

Nebraska is a great album. White is a solid choice. I have zero interest in this. 

It’s funny because if you do an image search every single one of his picture looks like a different sentient cocaine man. The guy also love his “formal” jean jacket.

Who wants this? I mean, if you are really hungry for pretentious take on ancient Rome that is both visually overwhelming and grotesquely ugly, there was always Fellini Satyricon.

I’ve always loved the two-storey decapitation lawnmower, and hoped it would turn up again in another project, any project. Seems like the kind of thing Toki and Murderface would drive around on just to go to the store.

Reminds me of those old VW beetles with Rolls Royce grilles on them. I like it. It’s whimsical.

There will always be people stupid enough to laugh with the Archie Bunker type characters because they agree with what they are saying. We can’t let these idiots self censor us from mocking them. The artistic feat here is to make racist, reactionary characters as absurd and psychotic as their terrible ideas.

Yeah and we shouldn’t subsidize oil, corn, eggs, etc. etc.

Thank you r the book rec! I needed to burn a credit on my audible account. 

I once pointed out that an article a conservative Facebook friend had posted was fake. He got angry at me. Now the rational response to someone pointing out that an article you posted is fake is to distrust the source of the article you posted from. The Conservative response, however, is something along the lines of:

Oh I know, I was just making the point that I went to the link and the crane there looked pretty mundane for “the biggest crane on the east coast”.    But if we jazzed it up with some missiles and attack helicopters maybe I could get behind it....

“What a maroon” - B. Bunny, Esq.

They do. Empathy. And just that recognition.

I have lost male friends when I’ve tried to explain their “privilege” to them because they just cannot see how being a white male REMOVES (not the right word, because it was never there to begin with) the hurdles the rest of us face on the daily. It’s hard for them to understand the absence of something that is