
Sure, there’s a lot of terrible shit he’s behind, but a Roberts Court with him as the swing vote is still vastly less terrible than our current Thomas Court. As far as SCOTUS disabling the administrative state, I’m not 100% sure that’s going to get his vote. He hates the Voting Rights Act and he wants unlimited dark

Nah, they are really called that, technically I think it’s “Brad’s Atomic Grape”, the problem which all of those blue/purples have is they take forever to ripen. So they are worthless if you don’t have a large enough garden to keep you supplied. They taste great but only if you wait for them to turn red/orange in all

True - a single seat isn’t enough, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Full Credit to the artist there (butteine?). Exceptional work.

Atomic grape is a variety of tomato.

And didn’t nominate him and voted against his confirmation.  Come on.

Sorry for being biased against corruption. I will be sure to change that going forward. 

Biden could have handled the hearing better and that blame is his to hold but he didn’t put Thomas on the bench by himself....he didn’t even vote for him. 


Notice what a bunch of whiners that Air Canada turned into—they want to have it both ways. If the chatbot works as it should, then fine. But if the chatbot fails due to Air Canada’s slovenliness over not vetting how well the chatbot guides customers’ requests, then the whiners think they should be off the hook—really?

Lean’s ‘vision’ was trash, if you don’t do it the way Scorsese says you should it ain’t shit!  Real filmmakers make films like Hugo and write scripts like Scarface!

Are those atomic grapes?

Grew up in the North East, have resided in the Midwest over a decade, and yet my wife calls me Cold Blooded and says I need to sun myself on a rock like a lizard...

As someone who lived by Chicago and moved to the West Coast for a bit, it’s pretty shocking how much more everything ends up costing. A big reason for why we ended up moving again back to Middle America. Went back to Oregon to visit family and got reminded of the pain when we just picked up a handful of groceries for

When the pizza cools a bit and the cheese - for lack of a better word? - coagulates, the center pieces are heaven, much better than the crust. As it cools, the sauce is less “slippery” and it all adheres nicely.

 This is a stupid idea that appeals to a tiny percentage of the audience. BRING BACK INTERMISSION. That’s what will make bank.

I have been making salads for lunches for myself and I agree, it’s super easy. My only issue ever was cucumbers and I have cut them out of my latest round.

Pork is always cheaper in Chicago. I got four 16oz packs for $3.50 each last week at Tony’s. 6 of the top 10 pork producers are in our neck of the woods. And Iowa is absolutely dominant in the top ten.

That’s very German of you!  

The practice of using prison labor to generate revenue for the state and generate product for large companies was found to be most prevalent in the South, where some of the country’s largest prisons are located.