I wouldn’t say Aliens > Alien. I would say Aliens = Alien.
I wouldn’t say Aliens > Alien. I would say Aliens = Alien.
I still don’t understand how we managed to build back so quickly after the events covered in the hit documentary 2012.
Man, try THAT in a small town. (Griffin, GA Population 23,000)
AM was once the official spectrum for emergency broadcasts and especially, civil defense. The reason: greater broadcast range than anything else the average person has access to and dirt cheap and simple.
This is delusional.
“ childrens toys” lol tell that to the literal billions of people who use bikes every single day to get to school (college), work, etc.
Stupid, hateful people gravitate to stupid, hateful things.
I was shocked how much I enjoyed her version of Catherine Called Birdy so I am cautiously optimistic.
The same logic used to “prove” massive voter fraud.
Also “the government has killed to keep this secret and personally harassed me.”
The first one remains the single biggest anti-conspiracy point in my book. Too many people need to be involved at too many levels around the entire world.
Stupidity is a capital crime, but unfortunately it’s not nearly as enforced as it probably should be.
And she was right about the true pedos - the Catholic Church.
So what do you do in this scenario? Get out of your car and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction in a crouching stance using cars for cover?
Anecdotally, you can add my dad to the list of GOP voters who believed vaccine misinformation and died during the Delta wave in summer of 2021. He said he’d heard of “some severe non-fatal side effects in the elderly” (his words, not mine). That combined with the hubristic belief that he may have had a mild case…
These weather-related disasters are starting to sound an awful lot like the ones from The Day After Tomorrow, and I really don’t like that.
“But a suspect in the small Massachusetts town of Sturbridge didn’t get the memo.”