
No, we can’t stop. The problem is that working with existing popular IP gives the people creating the adaptation cover in the event that the adaptation fails. “Who knew?” is any easy copout for failure in that scenario, when working on something original leaves the creators vulnerable to “WTF were you thinking?”

It’s long past time to change tax law to make fines non-deductible as a business expense. If fines went directly to the bottom line and reduced profits, they would start to mean something. I can’t deduct traffic fines from my income. Companies shouldn’t be able to either.

I got me a car, it’s as big as a whale

Either this, or set up a sliding price scale, where charging past 85% costs more than the run up to 85%. Even make 90%-95% and 95%-100% more expensive than that. If you really want 100%, you pay for the excess time at the charger.

The same thing has been true for execs at the Big 3. They’ll ask for a car in order to get a sense of what is being produced, but they’re not given a random car off of the production line. The car they’re given is carefully inspected for any flaws or deficiencies, and those things are corrected before delivery to the

The Tour de France predates the 2CV by 45 years. It seems unlikely that they only started grading the hill climbs after the car was available.

Cutting the quarter inch wouldn’t help where I worked. Checks that didn’t read in the MICR were amended with an add-on strip that replicated the bank routing info, since every check had to be read in order to balance the batch. However, through some experimentation, I figured out that you could alter the bank ID by

Or maybe even start installing a hidden ignition cutoff switch under the dash? Car thieves are in a hurry. Searching around for the switch gives a chance that they’ll give up.

And this was one of the deceased that they buried:

Well, I love that dirty water

Reminds of back in the day when the Chicago Tribune would not allow ads for an XXX film named A Cunning Stunt, despite allowing ads for other porn films.

You can’t drop Biden and skip over Harris. It would be an insult to women and people of color. You could, however, swap Harris and Biden. Now you have a vetted candidate for President, Biden saves face and remains as the old hand backing up the new face like he did for Obama. And they can still run on the Biden

I think the key to changing the ticket is to change it minimally. Just switch Harris and Biden to President and Vice-President. They still run as the Biden administration that got things done, Joe gets to save face, and he acts as a gravitas infusion for Kamala just like he did for Obama. And while Hillary couldn’t

So many groups touring now raise serious Ship of Theseus questions.

The olden days when checks had to be physically moved around

I don’t know a single person who would be given the same leeway if they killed 346 people.

One thing that would help would be to change tax law so that fines are not deductible as a business expense. Instead, a fine would go straight to the bottom line and reduce profits. That would increase the pain, and have some more effect on corporate thinking.

And it’s worth noting that Scaredy-cat Barry, usually reffed as No Drama Obama, played his part in creating this supermajority of Donald-nazis on the Supremes by not seating Garland on the Supremes and allowed Sen. McConnell to stop his nom

Seriously, the Charger is not bad looking from the side. It’s that stupid and useless spoiler that blows it.