Really. Cars should not have cheat codes outside of video games.
Really. Cars should not have cheat codes outside of video games.
Let’s face it, nationalization will never happen in the US. But a viable step by the DOJ could be to require Boeing to tie compensation of the entire C suite and Board to an independent monitor looking over Boeing’s quality control efforts. Failure to take quality seriously would zero out compensation. I’ll bet that…
The dumb thing is that bookkeeping is the most mundane aspect of running a business. They probably could have outsourced the work easily, and avoided that part of their demise.
If you ever get a chance to see a Strandbeest, make time for it. I’ve seen a couple indoors, where they started one up briefly, and it’s amazing. I can only imagine how fabulous one would be on the beach.
Well, there’s a data point not on the plot that I’m imagining.
And yet I’m certain that women working at Amazon fulfillment centers have had male co-workers say “I gotta package you can handle right here”, and female vendors at ballparks hearing plenty of jokes about her skill with wieners.
I would really like to see a change in tax law that prohibits companies from using fines as a deduction from revenue. I don’t get to reduce my AGI by the amount of a speeding ticket. Corporations shouldn’t get to either. Perhaps making fines a real hit to profitability would get them to sit up and take notice.
I said that employers are regularly held responsible for the actions of their employees, not necessarily that those employers happen to be celebrities. The rules of liability mean that an employer who happens to be a celebrity will be subject to a lawsuit, much like Walmart was held liable for the accident that…
I can’t tell if you are serious or just trolling here, but a simple Google search yields an explainer:
Boomer here. I never saw the film, so I don’t have an opinion, but I would like to see a graph of how much people liked it across their ages. I suspect that people who experienced the Beatles during their original heyday are less positive about the film than people who only knew the Beatles as artists from the past.
It’s not being a passenger that would make you responsible. It’s being the employer of the driver that would be the key. Employers are regularly held responsible for the bad behavior of employees. That is why hiring an independent service serves as insulation. If you aren’t the employer of the driver you have no…
Your deep pockets are still going to be on the line if you hire a driver. I think that it would require hiring an independent service for transportation to have any hope of avoiding responsibility for any mishaps, and even then you’re going to be named in the suit. But at least then you could probably get dropped from…
And the richest families in the US are throwing cash at Trump in order to ensure that they don’t get taxed enough, or even at all if possible.
And the problem is that it’s escalatory. Once one too-rich person buys an overpriced object, the next too-rich person desires to buy an even more overpriced object to demonstrate his superiority. And all of them squeeze the workers beneath them in order to get more money to show off with.
While I find fridging Marie to be distasteful, I’m not sure how else they could propel Bourne back into action. About the only other option would be for him to abandon her for her own safety, which would still leave her out of the rest of the film.
And yet:
Tribalism is the founding force behind our earliest ancestors entering social societies. Our tribe good, other tribes bad. It takes a lot to overcome that.
The letter count would be fine if it was consistent across manufacturers, or hell, even across a single car line. I’ve found it impossible to keep up with S/SE/SEL/LE/LT/LS/XLE/XLT/XLS, and whatever the hell it is that the Germans are doing nowadays.
The one thing I’ve learned about Donald Trump in my lifetime is if he’s waffling around instead of giving a straight answer, he probably has zero clue about what he’s discussing.
Seriously, though, why is he driving himself when he has so much urgent business to take care of?